A Quick Tip For Happiness

Do you want to be happier? Watch this video to learn how

How Can We Learn To Be Happier?

Some years ago I came across an amazing NLP hypnosis technique that with a little practice helped me to feel happier.
I then taught this to many of our anxiety, stress & depression clients who also found this boosted their happiness levels.

Happiness. What We All Do Wrong!

Most people see happiness as a destination.
They believe they will be happy when something happens, such as,

I will be happy when I lose this weight, or

I will be happy when I meet my perfect partner, or

I will be happy when I win the lottery.

From my experience, this rarely happens.

Happiness. Changing Our Beliefs!

I learnt that happiness should be a journey. it should be the process. the moving forward, rather than the destination.
As an example –

I will be happy when I lose the weight should be –
I am happy that I hit the gym three times this week & am enjoying a healthy diet.

Goals Are Great & Can Also Make Us Unhappy.

It is great to set goals & know where we are going.
The steps forward are momentum towards our end goal & we should be happy that we make small progress steps.

Reframe Your Goals Into Your Journey.

Take some time to look at your goals.
Break them down into manageable chunks that you can take small steps towards on a regular basis.

When people see movement & progress towards their goals, motivation builds & we do more of it.
Happiness increases as does our success.

Happiness. Now It’s Your Turn.

You can also increase your happiness by reframing your belief about your happiness.
Look at it as a journey & enjoy the ride.

Mark Morley is an Award Winning Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, an EFT Practitioner, a Nutritional Coach and a Director of Newcastle Hypnotherapy. To discuss how hypnosis can help you call 07568 455 809 today or book your Free Assessment Call at the link above

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