The Anxiety Cheat Sheet.

3 Ways To Relieve Anxiety Fast.
Anxiety is becoming a problem for so many people and can certainly hold us back in life.
Anxiety is usually easy enough to resolve with the right help and catching it before it develops into a serious problem.
What Exactly Is Anxiety?
Can you remember being so absorbed in a movie or TV show that you felt the emotions of the characters?
Your intense focus released chemicals in the body that make the movie feel real.
Anxiety happens when you create a movie in your mind about what might happen although you may not be aware this is happening.
You vividly imagine something bad happening. Your body thinks it’s real, and releases chemicals that create a “fight or flight” response in the body.
Unwanted “What if” thoughts keep a person trapped in stress.
Anxiety and stress slow down your metabolism causing weight gain.
What Is The Anxiety Solution?
The latest neuroscience tells us that we can “rewire our anxious, stressed brain” to instead feel calm, relaxed, happy & in control.
The best way to do this is to create and practice a short daily routine of powerful exercises.
People with anxiety are great at using their imagination.
Here are 3 easy ways to use your imagination to stop anxiety and release positive chemicals in your body.
Positive chemicals aide in digestion, put an end to emotional eating, and help shed excess fat.
The Bilateral Stimulation Exercise.
Rate your anxiety feeling on a scale of 1-10.
Pick up an object that fits in one hand, like a juggling ball or an orange.
Move the object back and forth between your hands.
Gently swing your hands out to your sides each time you switch hands.
Watch the item move back and forth while keeping your head still.
Slow down your breathing & be aware of your stomach moving in & out.
Rate the feeling (1-10) again and notice what it’s dropped down to.
Repeat as needed. This can take anxiety all the way down to a zero.
The Softened Focus Anxiety Relief Excercise.
Look slightly up at a spot in front of you.
Stare at it like you’re looking at something beautiful beyond that spot.
Continue to stare & soften your focus.
Notice. . .
3 Things you see from the corner of your eye – without moving your gaze from that spot.
3 Things you can hear – you may notice things you didn’t hear before.
3 Things you can feel – like the surface beneath you supporting your body.
Notice peace in your body.
Peace cancels out anxiety.
The 7-11 Breathing Anxiety Relief Exercise.
Breathe in for a count of 7 and exhale for a count of 11.
You can count as slowly as you’d like.
This works because a long slow exhale releases calming chemicals in the body.
It turns off the “fight or flight” response from the anxiety movie you were making.
Take three 7-11 breaths right now. This will ensure you remember to use this simple tool next time you experience anxiety.
Notice the flood of feel good chemicals in your body.
What Should We Do Next?
Getting into a regular daily routine of practicing anxiety exercises will brown down your anxiety levels over time.
Anxiety & stress can cause us to gain weight, lower our immune system & can cause other health issues.
Anxiety issues usually become worse causing disabling panic attacks & depression if left untreated.
Starting a simple routine of anxiety reducing exercises can help you to feel calmer & more relaxed.
Would you like our FREE Anxiety Relief Pack?
It includes:-
A Powerful Anxiety Relief Hypnosis Track.
The Anxiety Relief E-Book.
Anxiety Reducing Breathing Exercises.
Access To The Anxiety Support Group.
A Free Anxiety Assessment Call With A Trained Anxiety Specialist.
+ Bonus Videos.
You can access the Anxiety Relief Pack from Escape Anxiety Now here, free of charge now.

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